About the project
The main objective of the described project is to enhance digital transformation in all sectors of health care. Defined calls for following years by Horizon Europe and other types of fundings by European Commission showed big change in health sector by inclusion of digital sphere. The digitalization in healthcare will improve medical device innovation, data collection and their implementation. Moreover, pandemic boosted many projects in personalized medicine and showed how important is inclusion of multiple health sectors, IT and patients well-being.
The DIGIMED project will represent a cooperation between multiple entities and focuses on the key elements of transformation processes in medicine, health care and laboratory medicine as well as education of population and patients about trend of using Artificial Intelligence and data analyses and how they can together prevent civilization diseases.

To achieve selected priorities and objectives:
- between all organizations in this project, a mobility element will be implemented scientists will be sent to partners countries to share knowledge, innovative methods and learned others experiences. Since digitalization is a big part of science, all the lead scientists will learn all the trend in bioinformatics.
- between all organizations in this project, a mobility element will be implemented and leading IT specialists will be sent to each county to improve their knowledge, share know how in basis laboratory diagnostic systems, novel laboratory systems which differentiates in all countries. All the information gained will be used to prepare all partners in the project for future digital transformation and new trends in health care. In more detail, main objective for IT sector will be share and learn or implement each partners specific ways of data analyses, data modeling’s and approaches to artificial intelligence since all the entities possesses big data and would like to contribute to European health care system.
- besides scientists and IT, also other departments will be involved. Marketing and sales play important role in transitions as well. They will focus on improvement in entrepreneurship and to bring bigger population all the important information about digital trends by organizing workshops and other events to adjust to personalized medicine.
All together this consortium will naturally lead to the creation of platform to fast problem solutions and their solutions and will bring a benefit to better adjust to world trends in IT and personalized medicine. With inclusion of conferences, workshops and other events, this project will educate bigger masses of adult population in all sectors of science.
Activities & Budget:
Scientists international internship | 15 000 eur |
IT specialists international internship | 15 000 eur |
Education | 30 000 eur |
Project duration: 1/9/2023 – 30/11/2024 (15 months)