Pavol Janega

MUDr. Pavol Janega, PhD.
Pavol Janega, PhD., is the director of MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY n.o., the science and research organization. In his position, he also takes advantage of the expertise he has acquired in MGA as a researcher since 2014. After graduation in general medicine at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, he focused on the medical specality of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine. This led him to work at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Comenius University and the Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, where he participated in the implementation of a number of scientific research projects.
He graduated in diagnostic molecular pathology at the Medical University of Graz in Austria.In his scientific career he focuses predominantly on the issue of cancer tissue transformation and identification of new potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers. He also deals with the problems of lifestyle diseases, pathology of the cardiovascular system, experimental hypertension and experimental neurodegeneration. He is a member of the Slovak Medical Chamber (SMC), a member of the committee of the Society of Pathologists of the SMC and the European Society of Pathologists, where he is a member of the working group for molecular pathology, pediatric and perinatal pathology.
Je autorom alebo spoluautorom mnohých publikácií a vedeckých článkov a ako odborný asistent na Ústave patologickej anatómie LF UK prednáša na verejnej vysokej škole.
He cooperates with MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY on the following projects
Project title:
Center for Biomedical Research – BIOMEDIRES – II. stage
Biomedires II.
Project code:
Project title:
Long-term strategic research and development focused on the prevalence of Lynch syndrome in the population of the Slovak Republic and the possibilities of prevention of tumors associated with this syndrome
Project code: