Gabriel Minárik

RNDr. Gabriel Minárik, PhD.
In his specialization, he has long been dedicated to the application of the latest scientific knowledge in the field of molecular genetics and human genomics. He was the first in Slovakia to lead a workplace enabling DNA sequencing services used by many other scientific centres and workplaces. Since 2006, in cooperation with leading Slovak clinical experts, he has been researching cancer which has resulted in the launch of personalization of targeted therapy based on the genotyping of cancer tissues of oncological diseases in Slovakia.
Also since 2006, he has been researching circulating nucleic acids. Within the scope of this research, methods of non-invasive prenatal detection of fetal sex have been introduced at his workplace, which were later established in routine non-invasive prenatal diagnostics.
After the advance of massive parallel sequencing methods, he began to specialize in their application in laboratory research and routine clinical practice. The research of the working group in which he was involved also resulted in a test for non-invasive prenatal screening of frequent fetal aneuploidies from circulating DNA obtained from a blood sample of pregnant women – also known as Trisomy test.
He currently works as the head of the of the TRISOMYtest, s.r.o. laboratories and as a scientist and researcher of MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY, but is currently also actively involved in investigating
several applied research projects.
He cooperates with MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY on the following projects:
Project title:
Research into progressive diagnostic methods for COVID-19 and biomarkers enabling early detection of individuals at increased risk of severe course of the disease
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Project title:
Center for Biomedical Research – BIOMEDIRES – II. stage
Biomedires II.
Project code:
Project title:
Vytvorenie systému skorej a rýchlej detekcie, identifikácie a diagnostiky nových infekčných ochorení s pandemickým potenciálom – pilotná štúdia COVID-19
Project code:
Project title:
Závažné civilizačné ochorenia a COVID-19
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