Jan Škrha

prof. MUDr. Jan Škrha, DrSc. MGA
Czech top expert in endocrinology and diabetology, who has been the Persident of the Czech Diabetological Society since 2018 He profesionally deals mainly with the biochemistry and pathophysiology of diabetes and its complications. He was the principal investigator of 8 grant tasks. For one of them, he received the Award of the Minister of Health of the Czech Republic. He was the leader of the research project titled “Prvouk” conducted on the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
He is the author of five full monographs, a number of individual chapters in other monographs. The results of his scientific work are featured in many citations in professional journals. Since 1990, he has been a member of the committee of the Czech Diabetological Society, as well as the vice-chairman of the Czech Medical Society of J.E. Purkyně.
He has served on the Committee of Foreign Societies (EASD – European Association for the Study of Diabetes) and in the Federation of Danube Symposia. He was Vice-President of the European Union of Medical Specialists based in Brussels. He is currently the Vice-Rector of Charles University in Prague for International Relations and Mobility.
He cooperates with MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY on the following:
Project title:
Severe lifestyle diseases andCOVID-19
Project code: