Biomedires I.
About the project
Gaining new knowledge about the origin and course of diseases is an important step for their earlier detection and successful treatment. Biomedical research ensures the implementation of the findings of modern science and is key to reducing morbidity and mortality rates of severe diseases, promoting human health and improving the quality of life of patients. The investigated project focused on the support of biomedical research in Slovakia in the context of a multidisciplinary approach with the support of a wide cooperation of research institutions in the European Research Area and on the transfer of knowledge into practice.

„We live in a time of rapid new discoveries about the causes and course of diseases. At present, it is no longer enough to just label and diagnose the disease. Every patient is unique. The disease has a different course in everyone. It may even require different treatment in different patients. We are increasingly talking about the need for personalized medicine and targeted treatment. To this end, close cooperation between physicians and adequately equipped and prepared research institutions is needed. The investigation of this project helped to technically complete such a research center and offered adequate conditions for work that will bring results benefiting the patients in the future.“
The main priority of the project is the field of cancer. Cancerous diseases represent a serious medical and social problem. Although we know many predisposing factors, the etiology of their origin and the factors influencing their progression are not always fully known. Malignant cancers are generally considered to be a gene disease. They are caused by the accumulation of changes in genetic material due to mutations that accumulate in cells. As a result of genetic changes, cells change their properties, they begin to proliferate uncontrollably while the organism does not have the ability to regulate their growth. The process then becomes autonomous and uncontrollable.
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By accumulating further changes, the tumor acquires the ability to spread and to form metastases. Due to changes in the composition of the cell surface, it becomes invisible to the immune system and escapes its control activity. Regardless of the cause, a large number of different types of aberrations occur in tumor cells at the genetic level as well as changes in the composition of proteins. The choice of correct and effective identification of these changes using appropriate genetic and proteomic laboratory testing methods contributes significantly to the early diagnosis of the neoplastic process and subsequently aids in estimating the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the cancer patient.
The investigation of the project in cooperation with other partners managed to create a multidisciplinary scientific centre with top technical equipment focused on research in the field of biomedicine, early diagnosis of severe diseases and the search for new potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic markers. The established biomedical centre was created at a quality level corresponding to renowned international research and development organizations and has the potential to contribute to the successful research of both cancer and non-cancerous diseases in the future. The base of an international consortium of research groups has been created, which is currently involved in the preparation of follow-up research projects and their successful investigation.
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Cooperation agreement
Public procurement
- Ramcova_zmluva_MGA_proteomika_BioVendor
- Dodatok_č.1_Ramcova_zmluva_MGA_proteomika_BioVendor
- Dodatok_č.2_Ramcova_zmluva_MGA_proteomika_BioVendor
- Zobraziť všetky
- Kúpna_zmluva_BioVendor_proteomika
- Ramcova_zmluva_MGA_cytologia_Bio G
- Dodatok_č.1_Ramcovej_zmluvy_MGA_cytologia_Bio G
- Kúpna_zmluva_Bio_G_cytologia
- Dodatok_č.1_Kúpnej_zmluvy_Bio_G_cytológia
- Ramcovej_zmluvy_MGA_genetika_BIOTECH
- Dodatok_č.1_03_Ramcovej_zmluvy_MGA_genetika_BIOTECH
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- Kupna_zmluva_MGA_Cryosoft_aparatura
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- Svetové osobnosti vedy a výskumu sa zišli na workshope Biomedires
Photo of the labs
More information about the cytology, genetic and proteomics laboratory and photographs of the devices can be found in the About us/Laboratories section.