Contact details

Contact details for our partners

Should you have any questions, comments or observations, do not hesitate to get in touch with us by completing the following form. By submitting the contact form, you acknowledge that your personal data contained therein will be used only for the purpose of processing your enquiry and after completion of the process, the data will be deleted from the company information system. For more information, see the section dedicated to Personal Data Protection..

Postal address:

Galvaniho 17/C
P.O. BOX 144
821 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Reception: +421 2 208 29 111

Billing address:

Novozamocka 1/67
949 05 Nitra
Company ID: 37 986 805
Tax ID: 2022374805
VAT number: SK2022374805

Bank details:

1151584001/1111 UniCredit Bank Slovakia a. s.

IBAN : SK1711110000001151584001

The company is registered in the registry of non-profit organizations managed by the District Authority in Trnava


reg.č. VVS/NO-85/2007

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