We focus our research activities on biomedical disciplines, such as:
- genetics and epigenetics
- proteomics
- metabolomics
- immunology
- cytology
- histology
For several years, we have been developing our own research laboratory infrastructure that supports independent biomedical research in Slovakia. We have managed to build modern research laboratories thanks to the implementation of research projects funded by the Operational Program Research and Development and the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure. Access to these technologies is enabled also for other academic and non-profit research entities that conduct independent research in the public interest. The equipment and devices may not be used for activities of business nature. We are expanding this laboratory infrastructure also thanks to our donors and partnering organizations that support biomedical research as well as 2% income tax assignments that MGA seeks every year as an eligible non-profit organization.
Awareness and accessibility
of information
With regard to the implementation of research activities, as well as the existence of modern research infrastructure, we want to proactively inform the lay and professional public about the results of our research in line with the principle of the public interest and the implementation of our activities with the public benefit in mind.
At the same time, we want to provide access to our modern research laboratories to all research institutions, researchers, students and doctoral students who are planning to conduct independent research in the public interest. Should you be interested in conducting your own independent research in genetic, biochemical, cytological, histological and proteomic laboratories on the purchased devices and equipment, please get in touch with us at