Peter Baráth

Mgr. Peter Baráth, PhD.
He has extensive practical experience in the field of molecular biology, gene expression, protein purification from both recombinant and native sources, structural biology, protein chemistry and biological mass spectrometry. He was a successful principal investigator of domestic and foreign scientific projects (VEGA, 6th EU framework program He is the author of one patent and 39 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious foreign journals, such as the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, and Nature with high frequency of citation.
He currently focuses on proteomic and glycoproteomic analyzes, development of methods for targeted identification and quantification of glycopeptides, implementation of procedures for protein identification by mass spectrometry and bioinformatic processing of obtained proteomic data.
He cooperates with MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY on the following projects:
Project title:
Center for Biomedical Research – BIOMEDIRES – II. stage
Biomedires II.
Project code:
Project title:
Long-term strategic research and development focused on the prevalence of Lynch syndrome in the population of the Slovak Republic and the possibilities of prevention of tumors associated with this syndrome
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