Stanislav Kmoch

prof. Ing. Stanislav Kmoch, CSc.
He is a graduate in fermentation chemistry and bioengineering at the University of Chemical Technology in Prague. After graduating, he began as a laboratory worker and later at the Institute of Hereditary Metabolic Disorders (ÚDMP) of the General University Hospital in Prague. After internships in the Netherlands and Denmark (1993), with Professor Elleder and Professor Ansorge he co-founded a new research laboratory of the ÚDMP at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague in 1995. Here he developed new methods of molecular biology – DNA sequencing, recombinant DNA technology, preparation and characterization of recombinant proteins, fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy.
Gradually, he established his own research group at the ÚDMP – the Laboratory for the Study of Rare Diseases at the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles Unicversity – which later conducted a proven and successful research program. This group currently represents around 50 researchers conducting research on rare diseases across a wide range of medical specialities.
Prof. Kmoch is the coordinator of the National Center for Medical Genomics (NCMG), which is operated as a distributed research infrastructure of the genomic laboratories of the 1st and 2nd Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Pilsen, General University Hospital in Prague, University Hospital in Motol; BIOCEV – Biotechnological and Biomedical Center of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec, Department of Internal Hematooncology, Center for Molecular Biology and Gene Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, University Hospital Brno; CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University in Brno and the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University in Olomouc and the University Hospital Pilsen.
The purpose of NCMG is to ensure the operation of the most advanced sequencing platforms and related technological equipment for the analysis of the human genome and to enable the qualified use of this technology in biomedical research and translational medicine in the Czech Republic.
Results of scientific work of prof. Kmoch are featured in more than 130 papers and articles, most of which have been published in prestigious journals, such as Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine or Nature Genetics.
He cooperates with MEDIREX GROUP ACADEMY on the following projects:
Project title:
Creating a system of early and rapid detection, identification and diagnosis of new infectious diseases with pandemic potential – pilot study COVID-19
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Project title:
Výskum progresívnych metód diagnostiky COVID-19 a biomarkerov umožňujúcich skorú detekciu jedincov so zvýšeným rizikom ťažkého priebehu ochorenia
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